Past Perfect Continuous Tense

Pengertian Past Perfect Continuous Tense

Tense ini juga sering disebut dengan Past Perfect Progressive Tense. Tidak seperti Present Perfect Continuous Tense yang menunjukkan bahwa suatu kejadian dimulai di masa lampau dan terus berlanjut hingga saat ini,  Past Perfect Continuous Tense menunjukkan bahwa suatu kejadian dimulai pada masa lampau, terus berlanjut sampai suatu waktu di masa lampau, dan juga berakhir di masa lampau. Namun sama dengan Present Perfect Continuous Tense, tense ini juga menekankan pada proses atau adanya kejadian yang terus berlanjut dengan durasi tertentu.

Lihat juga materi lainnya:
Simple Present Tense
Gerund and Infinitive

Fungsi Past Perfect Continuous Tense

Selain yang telah disebutkan di atas, Past Perfect Continuous Tense juga digunakan pada Reported Speech. Tense ini adalah pada Past Continuous Tense dan Present Perfect Continuous Tense pada Direct Speech.


  1. Direct Speech pada Past Continuous Tense: When I asked him why he didn’t answer my call, he said “I was studying”.

Reported Speech: When I asked him why he didn’t answer my call, he said that he had been studying.

  1. Direct Speech pada Present Perfect Continuous Tense: Sarah said, “I have been exercising all afternoon”.

Reported Speech: Sarah said that she had been exercising all afternoon.

Past Perfect Continuous Tense ilustrasi

Sumber gambar:

Rumus Past Perfect Continuous Tense

Rumus Past Perfect Continuous Tense cukup sederhana yaitu had + been + Verb-ing. Rumus tersebut tidak akan berubah meskipun kita menggunakan subjek tunggal atau jamak.


Subject + had + been + Verb-ing


  1. The labors had been demonstrating.
  2. They had been repairing that computer since an hour ago.
  3. He had been drinking milk out the carton when his mom walked into the kitchen.


Subject + had + not + been + Verb-ing


  1. The labors had not been demonstrating.
  2. They had not been repairing that computer since an hour ago.
  3. He had not been drinking milk out the carton when his mom walked into the kitchen.


Had + Subject + been + Verb-ing


  1. Had the labors been demonstrating?
  2. Had they been repairing that computer since an hour ago?
  3. Had he been drinking milk out the carton when his mom walked into the kitchen?

Preposition yang biasa Digunakan dengan Past Perfect Continuous Tense

Preposition Artinya Contoh Kalimat
When Ketika
  • I had been studying all night when you called last night.
  • She had been playing the piano for twenty years when she was retired.
For Selama
  • They had been talking for two hours before you arrived.
  • I had been working out for an hour.
Since Sejak
  • The program that was terminated had been working well since it was made.
  • These kids had been running around since you left.
Before Sebelum
  • I had been walking three miles a day before I broke my leg.
  • I had been working at this company for five years before I got promoted.

Yang perlu diperhatikan dalam memahami tense ini adalah kata kerja yang digunakan haruslah mempunyai bentuk Continuous atau Progressive. Berikut ini adalah beberapa kata yang tidak mempunyai bentuk Progressive:

  • Feeling: love, hate, like, want, dan lain sebagainya
  • Senses: appear, fee, hear, see, dan lain sebagainya
  • Communication: agree, deny, mean, satisfy dan lain sebagainya
  • Thinking: know, believe, understand, realize, dan lain sebagainya


Frodesen, J. & Eyring, J. (2000). Grammar Dimensions 4: Form, Meaning, and Use. Boston: Hainle & Hainle.
Thewlis, Stephen H. (2000). Grammar Dimensions 3: Form, Meaning, and Use. Boston: Hainle & Hainle.

Artikel: Past Perfect Continuous Tense
Kontributor: Nanda Widya, S.Hum.
Alumni Sastra Inggris FIB UI

Materi lainnya:

  1. Descriptive Text
  2. Narrative Text
  3. Passive Voice